Consultation and Public Exhibition

Since our public exhibition in June 2024, where we presented our plans for a solar farm on land at Fallaws Farm, Arbirlot, approximately 5km west of Arbroath, we have been refining the design in response to feedback received and ongoing surveys and assessments.

As part of our continuing pre-application consultation, we recently held a second public exhibition in the local area to present updated plans for the solar farm, ahead of submitting a planning application later this year.

All information provided at the public exhibition is available below. Hard copies of the exhibition material is also available on request.  Please contact us for more information.

Click on the images below to enlarge.

Welcome to our exhibition

Why solar?

About the project

Updated design and infrastructure


Traffic and access

Environmental considerations

Feedback to date

Share your thoughts on areas we should focus on

Visitors to the in-person public exhibition are being asked to share their thoughts on areas we should focus on - whether it’s a concern or an opportunity - by adding a sticker to an interactive map.

You can also share your thoughts by clicking here.


Next steps

About RES

Commenting on the proposal

The public exhibition initiates a consultation period being run by RES to gather comments on the proposal.

Comment forms may be completed and submitted online by clicking here.

Comment forms may also be downloaded by clicking here and can be returned by email to or by post to:

c/o Cavendish Consulting,
220 St Vincent Street,
Glasgow G2 5SG

The closing date for comments is Friday 11th October 2024.  Comments will still be accepted after this date but may not be considered in relation to the design development. 

Please note that comments submitted to RES at this time are not representations to the determining authority (Angus Council). There will be an opportunity to submit representations to the determining authority should an application be made. 

If you would like to be kept up to date with the proposal, please register by contacting us using the details below, referencing ‘SUBSCRIBE’.  

0800 066 8943